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There is certainly an argument that your time







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发表于 2024-2-24 15:44:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:亚太地区
[i=s] 本帖最后由 piloyniloy09@gm 于 2024-2-24 21:26 编辑 [/i]

[align=left]sales: which, for many small businesses, is the whole idea behindstarting a blog. You (probably) won’t earn a fortune Although you may welcomethe opportunity to earn a little extra income, it’s important to be realisticabout your potential earnings even if your content is of an extremely highstandard. According to data released by the company in September 2020, thehighest sum earned by a writer in the previous month was $49,581.31, with 6.2%of its active writers earning more than $100 per month. Flip this around, andit also means that almost 94% of the platform’s writers make less than $100 permonth. Your time could be better spent building your own blog If you’regenerating content to post on Medium,  could be more wisely spent creating your own blog, one over which you havetotal creative [/align]

[align=left]control. Remember, the traffic your posts drive to Medium belongsto Medium, which  [url=https://bcellphonelist.com/pakistan-mobile-database/]Pakistan Mobile Number List[/url]  brings us to the following point on how best to appropriateMedium for your business. Consider Medium as a syndication tool If you’re stilluncertain whether Medium is right for you, you also have the option to use theplatform as a syndication tool — a place to republish or repurpose existingcontent from your primary blog. While this approach will give you access toMedium’s larger audience, it can also free you from some of its constraints oncreative control. Should you choose this option, blogging on Medium isn’tnecessarily an end in itself, but a tool [/align]

[align=left]through which you can drive readers to your business or personalwebsite. If you’re using your blog as a commercial tool, you can then convertthese readers into potential customers. It can be bad for SEO… if you’re notcareful When you’re syndicating content, it’s essential you follow the correctprocedure, or search engines could identify your blog as duplicate content andpenalize you in terms of SEO. This could prove disastrous if you're seeking toobtain a better rank on a Google search. The process of importing originalcontent is extremely straightforward. All you need to do is create an account,click on your profile picture, navigate down to [/align]

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